Coming in 2024

Since we are a new church, we are still in the process of establishing ourselves. The vision we describe for Vine Groups is integral to the life of Vine Community. However, we want to do them with excellence. Therefore, we are currently in the process of preparing and eventually training leaders to lead our Vine Groups. In the meantime, we encourage all our members to start Bible studies with one another, have one another over to our homes, practice hospitality, and spend time living life in Gospel community. 

What are Vine Groups?

The phrase "one another" shows up over 100 times in the New Testament. Love one another, exhort one another, encourage one another, confess sin to one another, be patient with one another, bear one another's burdens--these are just a few of the many "one anothers" in the New Testament. It is nearly impossible to live out these "one another" instructions apart from living life in community with other believers. While we can certainly practice the one anothers of Scripture on a Sunday morning, we believe that the best context to consistently live these out is through our Vine Groups. 

Our Vine Groups are small groups of 10-20 believers connected to Vine Community that meet together on a consistent basis in one another's homes, under the oversight of our elders, for the purpose of pointing one another to Christ, bearing one another's burdens, and reaching unbelievers with the hope of the Gospel. 

A 3-Fold Vision
1. Cultivating a community...

One purpose of our Vine Groups is to consistently exhort one another with the Word of God. In our Vine Groups we aim to do this by being transparent with one another, confessing sin to one another, praying for each other, bearing one another's burdens, and stirring up one another to love and good deeds--all the while as we point one another to Christ, His Word, and His Gospel. 

2. Around the Word...

A second purpose of our Vine Groups is to study and cherish God's Word together. In our Vine Groups we aim to do this by studying Scripture, reviewing and applying Sunday's sermon,  and worshipping the Triune God together. Just like on Sunday mornings, we read the Word, pray the Word, and study the Word. 

3. That wins the world...

A third purpose of our Vine Groups is to invite unbelievers into our community for the purpose of intentionally sharing the Gospel with them, that they might repent and believe in Christ. We believe this happens when unbelievers witness us cultivating a community around the Word. Jesus prayed to His Father in John 17:21 that the love and unity of the church would testify to the reality that Jesus is the Son of God.