Our Distinctives

Though it must be the common aim of every church to build themselves upon the Word of God, yet every local church has its own distinct personality that sets it apart from other churches. What we have listed here is what sets VCC apart. These are the things that matter most to us. This is who we are, what we want to be, and who we want to continually become, all for the glory of God!


Cultivating a community around the Word that wins the world


We are a gospel-centered, Bible-driven, hope-filled, elder-led, family-equipping, disciple-making, next generation-raising church that seeks to build up the body of Christ AND win the world for Christ through expository preaching and intentional, Scripture-saturated, life-on-life relationships.


The single most important thing about us as a church is the Gospel. Our preaching, teaching, training, parenting, hospitality, evangelism, and fellowship are all centered on the Gospel. We believe the entirety of the Scriptures testifies to the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Word of God is at the very center of everything we do. As a church we live and breathe God’s Word. We talk about it with one another all the time. This starts with the preaching of God’s Word on Sunday mornings and flows down from there into everything else.


As bad as things can seem in this world, we believe one day “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 2:14). Jesus Christ is the King, and the gates of hell will not prevail against Christ’s church. The world is filled with darkness, but you will find a lot of hope in our church.


Just as the home and civil sphere have structures of authority, so does the church. We believe God has given the office of elder as a gift to the church to lead, feed, care for, and protect the flock of God. We believe the office of elder is reserved exclusively for men and that God’s design is for a plurality of elders as qualified according to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 to lead His church.


We believe the Bible teaches the primary method of discipleship for children is the family. Equipping moms and dads with the Word to be the lead disciple-makers is a top priority. Though we believe there is a place for age-appropriate discipleship in the church, we aim to do as many things as possible together as families.


Jesus taught us to make disciples, baptize them, and then teach everything else He commanded (Mt. 20:19-20). Our desire is to see God’s people conformed to the image of Christ and His Word in every area of life.

Next Generation-Raising

Paul told Timothy to take what he heard and entrust it to faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2 Tim. 2:2). We are always aiming to raise up the next generation of elders, deacons, church planters, missionaries, and faithful moms and dads. We also believe that raising our children to love God with all their heart and have a robust biblical worldview is the means God will use to disciple the nations for future generations.

Expositional Preaching

We preach systematically, verse-by-verse, through entire books of the Bible, so that our church is conformed to the image of the Word of God. This is the bread-and-butter of our ministry to equip the saints and preach the Gospel to the lost.

Intentional Community

We believe our genuine love for one another in Gospel community will be the testimony to the lost world that Jesus is the Son of God (Jn. 17:21). We know sin is deceitful, so we strive to exhort one another everyday with the Word and the Gospel. We confess our sins to one another and strive for biblical accountability in all things. One of the primary places this intentional Gospel community takes place is in our Vine Groups that meet in homes each week.

Our Doctrine