What to Expect at VCC on Sunday

We are a multigenerational community of believers who have come together to begin a new Gospel work in the city of El Dorado. Our central priority in our worship service is the Word of God, which points to our glorious Savior Jesus Christ. On Sunday mornings we sing the Word, pray the Word, and preach the Word of God. As a church we all realize we have been made one through the death of Christ and because of that we also love to fellowship together.

One way we express the unity we have in Christ is by taking the Lord's Supper together every Sunday. We also have coffee and fellowship every Sunday morning at 9:00am with breakfast on the 1st Sunday of the month. Few leave early at VCC as we all love to linger after the service to fellowship, laugh, encourage one another, and pray for one another. We also love to eat together and have a potluck fellowship meal on the 4th Sunday of every month. 


Here are some answers to common questions.

Our entire worship service is centered around the Scriptures as we worship the Triune God. We sing a mix of contemporary and traditional, Gospel-centered hymns. We also sing the Psalms. Our pastors preach verse-by-verse through entire books of the Bible. We have lots of fellowship before and after the service. Our kids love to run around and play with one another. 

We believe it is important for our children to see their parents worshipping Jesus Christ as well as to learn to sit under the preaching of the Word. As such, all our children remain with us for the entirety of the worship service. However, we do offer a cry room for those little ones who need a little extra room to wiggle. (Note: due to circumstances beyond our control, our cry room is sometimes temporarily unavailable.)

To learn more about our vision for the children of VCC click here. 

You do not have to be a member of our church to partake of the Lord's Supper. We invite anyone who has trusted in Christ alone for their salvation and has been baptized as a believer to participate in the Lord's Supper.

We practice the Lord's Supper every Sunday. 

To learn more about what we believe regarding the Lord's Supper you can read about it in our confession of faith. 

At present we do not own our own meeting space. We pray that one day the Lord provides us with a more permanent meeting space of our own, but for now we feel content to rent a meeting space that more than meets our current needs. 

Regardless of where we gather to worship, we believe church is more about a healthy vine than it is about a large trellis. Our focus is on Christ and community rather than on facilities. 

Part of our vision as a church is to implement what we are calling Vine Groups. These groups will meet midweek and will be an integral part of our community, discipleship, and evangelism.

Our goal is to launch these groups in the fall of 2024