Jordan Friesen
Lead Pastor

Jordan and his family have lived in El Dorado for four years. Prior to moving to El Dorado, he attended the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY where he received his Masters in Divinity. In 2023 the Lord opened a door to plant a church in El Dorado. Jordan is one of the founding pastors of VCC and he is currently part of the Immanuel Network, which is a network of likeminded pastors, church planters, and missionaries all over the globe, based in Louisville. Jordan has a deep, abiding passion to preach the whole counsel of God, to equip the saints for ministry, and to see the city of El Dorado and beyond transformed by the Gospel. While not laboring in Gospel ministry, Jordan absolutely loves spending time with his family. His wife Mary and three children are the joy of his life. Jordan serves as the lead pastor of Vine Community Church. 

Matt Click
Discipleship Pastor

Matt and his family have always known a life of Gospel ministry. Matt graduated with his Masters degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and then he and wife Jamey spent many years serving as missionaries in Asia. While overseas Matt and  Jamey adopted two boys from Africa. Later the Lord called Matt and his family back to America. Since then, Matt has pastored churches in Oklahoma and Kansas. In 2023 Matt and Jordan, with their likeminded hearts for gospel ministry, partnered together to plant a church. As one of the founding pastors of VCC, Matt has a passion for Christ that is contagious. His joy is ever present and it is unlikely you will ever walk away from a conversation with him without first hearing a pun. Matt serves as the discipleship pastor of Vine Community Church.