Membership Vows

 You will be asked to affirm these questions before the congregation at the Member’s Meeting that you are voted in at.

  1. Do you believe that without Jesus you are a sinner who has rebelled against God and have fallen short of his righteous standard?
  1. Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of sinners and do you trust that Jesus’ death on the Cross has saved you from your sins?
  1. Do you believe that God has adopted you as his child, and made you part of his family, and that he wants you to live your life in deep relationships with your brothers and sisters in this local Church?
  1. Do you promise to rely on the Holy Spirit and obediently follow Jesus in everything, as His servant, and His Missionary to your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your enemies and your friends?
  1. As a member of Vine Community Church, do you promise to pray for the church, your elders, and our mission to cultivate a community around the Word that wins the world, and do you promise to give your time, energy, and money generously to accomplish that goal?

Congregations Vow to You

Members of Vine Community Church, do you promise to keep these brothers and/or sisters accountable? To pray for them, to love them and encourage them, exhort them, to bear their burdens with them, and to pursue them in love should they fall into sin?